Mike Lanagan - Global Division Lead
Mike Lanagan joined ICI in 2006, as an intregral part of the Technology Solutions Account Management Division as a Strategic Account Manager. Mike began his career in the data center technology consulting space in 1998. Mike leads the ICI Global Account Management Team based on his comprehensive understanding and experience with the specific needs and collaboration required in large enterprise global environments.
Mike also plays a critical role in the ICI MASH UNIT (Medical Architecture Services in Healthcare). As part of this division he specializes in working with the various application vendors for attaining “Meaningful Use” criteria and government funding for EMR (Electronic Medical Records) adoption among physicians groups and medical institutions.
Mike holds various certifications in EMC, VMware, and RSA technologies. He also has achieved the highest ICI TSAM certification level of VICE (Virtual Infrastructure Certified Expert).
Mike can be contacted directly at 508-481-5100 or mlanagan@iciamerica.com.

Eric Ransden - Managing Director gCubed - National Division Lead
Eric Ransden’s role as gCubed Division Lead is to expand and deliver ICI’s global award winning gCubed (Gather, Guide, Govern) solutions and methodology to our customers, enhancing their compliance, eDiscovery, security, and archiving practices. Since his arrival at ICI in 2003, Eric has transformed ICI from a pure professional services model to a comprehensive consulting, solutions and integration organization. Eric has expanded the company's marketplace beyond the enterprise to commercial and small-medium businesses, broadened the company's industry alliances, and established new selling and partnership opportunities.
Before joining ICI, Eric directed the technical services, business development, and marketing activities during three years as Director of Technical Services for a New England based network security company. While there he developed their Network Security Audit program which became their fastest growing and most profitable program.
Prior to Eric's transition to Professional Services and technical sales, Eric was the IT Director of Technical Services for several organizations including Ceridian Corporation, Storability, and Work/Family Directions. During his 15 years in IT he was recognized for transforming IT departments into highly efficient and business centric partners to the organization. ICI's customers benefit and continue to leverage Eric's IT experience to improve their own organizations and developing long term goals and objectives.
Eric can be contacted directly at 508-630-1601 or eransden@iciamerica.com.

Kevin Loughlin - Regional Division Lead
Kevin's information is currently being updated. Please check back shortly.
Kevin can be contacted directly at 508-481-5100 or kloughlin@iciamerica.com.

JR Butler - SMB Division Lead
JR Butler has been a member of the ICI's Technology Solutions Account Management Team,(TSAM) since June 2008
JR has a strong knowledge of what ICI has to offer to their clients in this ever changing industry. both his current customer base, as well as new clients ICI is being engaged with everyday through their vendors and partners, their Business Development team, and of course their Market Intelligence Group.
JR was the first TSAM to go through the rigors of ICI’s Technology Solutions Associate Program, spending over a year introducing ICI’s award winning consulting and solutions driven solutons and Infrastructure Operations Professional Services (IOPS) teams to net new and existing customers.
Beginning ICI as an Associate, JR was named as a member of ICI’s Technology Solutions Account Manager Team in 2010 for ICI with the strong focus on SMB consulting and soltuions acceptance.
Recently, he was named the Division lead for ICI’s Small Medium Business Practice. Currently defined as any client with 500 employees or below, JR’s daily responsibilities include helping his own customers as well as working with the rest of the Technology Solutions Account Managers in their own SMB customers in determining specific strategies in their own Infrastructure and Cloud Initiatives.
JR can be contacted directly at 508-630-1608 cell:774-249-4299 or jrbutler@iciamerica.com.

Jocelyn Gentile - Managing Director - MaaS (Maintenance as a Service))
Jocelyn Gentile began her career as an Associate Account Manager in ICI’s Professional Services Division in 1993. Jocelyn quickly rose to the title of Sr. Account Manager within 3 years, due to her ability and knowledge of the marketplace and technology trends that challenged ICI customers. In this role, Jocelyn quickly became recognized for her thoroughness on addressing customer requirements as part of ICI’s Global Consulting Practice and to help them integrate large-scale technology development projects.
Jocelyn is able to effectively articulate and drive ICI’s offerings and methodologies that are pertinent to each individual customer needs. As a result of Jocelyn’s ability to see the entire infrastructure demands through the eyes of the customer, Jocelyn was selected to become the Managing Director of ICI’s newest division, MaaS, Maintenance as a Serivce.
Jocelyn can be contacted directly at 508-481-5100 or jgentile@iciamerica.com.

Terry Woods - Team Lead - Market Intelligence Group (MIG))
Terry Woods began his career at ICI in 2011 fresh from his recent BS degree from Babson University with a focus on entreprenaurial business classes.
Terry is the team lead for ICI's fastest growing team, MIG (Market Intelligence Group). As a Technology Solutions Associate within MIG, Terry understands the I.T. industry as well as all of the benefits that ICI provides its customers from a consulting and solutions implementation aspect to drive cloud adoption.
Terry and his MIG team perform daily research to better understand the constantly changing market which helps them effectively drive new business and support for ICI and its customers. The MIG group as a whole prides themselves on having the opportunity day in and day out to introduce ICI to new potential customers and beginning long standing business relationships with these customers.
Terry can be contacted directly at 508-481-5100 or twoods@iciamerica.com.
