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From: The Office of Mayor John C. Curran
Contact: Chief Paul Tortolano

January 3, 2003


Mayor John C. Curran announced today that the City of Woburn has been slated to receive grant funding from both the Commonwealth’s Executive Office of Public Safety and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for fire safety and prevention. "After a competitive grant process in which approximately 20,000 fire departments applied, Woburn’s Fire Department was one of the 5,500 grant awardees. Chief Paul Tortolano is to be commended for his efforts in touting Woburn’s achievements and explaining our city’s needs to FEMA," stated Mayor Curran. The city will receive $166,003 to purchase high-tech protective gear and communication equipment, and to implement fire protection safety, health, and fitness initiatives.

The City also garnered $41,000 for Fiscal Year 2003 from the state’s Firefighter Public Safety Equipment Program. "This additional money will support Woburn’s participation in the in the Statewide Anti-Terrorism Unified Response Network (SATURN). SATURN is the Commonwealth’s information-sharing, first-responder network that provides coordination and training in comprehensive anti-terrorism strategies." Mayor Curran added, "By securing this grant funding, our city will be able to remain on the cutting edge of fire safety and prevention. Firefighting has become increasingly complex and dangerous, particularly in this new era of heightened alert. With this award, our local firefighters will be better prepared, thereby increasing overall public safety."

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