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From: The Office of the Planning Board
Contact: Edmund Tarallo at 781-932-4417

September 4, 2003


Mayor John C. Curran and Planning Board Director, Ed Tarallo, invite all interested citizens to attend the last topic-specific planning session in the development of the City's Master Plan. The Woburn Transportation Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, September 17th, from 7:00 to 9:00pm, and will be held at the Shamrock School. Mayor Curran stated that, "Enhancing transportation access and improving the conditions of roadways will impact the City of Woburn's ability to attract new growth. Through careful investment and strategic municipal planning for roads, bridges, and public transportation, the City has the opportunity drive itself toward economic vitality. I encourage all residents to attend the forum both to learn about the current status of transportation infrastructure in Woburn and help identify future critical transportation issues."

In discussing the agenda, Planning Director Ed Tarallo stated: "City Engineer Jay Corey and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. will assist in a brief presentation and review of relevant transportation facts and facilities in Woburn. Then we'll open the floor to participants in order to develop a list of the transportation issues of utmost concern to Woburn residents. Residents will then help establish a draft list of improvement projects and policies for inclusion into the City's overall transportation program. It should be a great exchange between residents, city officials, and the consultant experts."

Both the Mayor and Planning Director remind residents that results from all the Vision 2020 sessions will then be coordinated and reviewed at the "Putting It All Together" Meeting, which is slated to take place on September 30, 2003. The Mayor encourages the public to attend, and anyone with questions regarding agenda items is encouraged to call the Planning Board Director.

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